
not sure what direction you want for your career?

Work-based learning is an opportunity to test drive a career.

Many people gain on-the-ground experience in a field before pursuing focused education and a higher level commitment. Our list of work-based learning opportunities might be a good place for you to start.

click on program you are interested in to visit their website for more information

Beginning Farm and Ranch Management Apprenticeship Program

The Beginning Farm and Ranch Management Apprenticeship Program is a formal apprenticeship registered with the California Department of Apprenticeship Standards that combines paid on-the-job training with job-related instruction. The program lasts approximately two years, and upon completion of the Program, the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards graduates apprentices to a Journeyman level in the occupation of a Beginning Farm and Ranch Manager. The curriculum includes a core set of classes that covers the fundamentals of agriculture in California as well as individualized coursework targeted to the apprentice’s career goals. The Beginning Farm and Ranch Management Apprenticeship Program is a Veterans Administration-approved training program, meaning eligible veterans may access VA benefits and Veteran Apprentices receive one-on-one support from the Farmer Veteran Coalition and access to their services.

CA Conservation Corps

From the website “The California Conservation Corps offers a unique and challenging, paid experience for young adults from across the state. A year in the CCC transforms their lives through developing new job skills, expanding personal growth, and conserving California’s natural resources. Corpsmembers’ hard work and long hours on environmentally focused projects and emergency response help make California an even better place to live, work, and play.”

Culinary Apprenticeship

From the website “Culinary apprentices will work under the direction of both our Culinary Manager and seasonal Chef-In-Residence.”

Cyprus Mandela Training Center

From the website “The Cypress Mandela Training Center is a community based organization dedicated to improving the lives of the people it serves by providing pre-apprentice construction and life skills training along with employment assistance.”

Earn and Learn

We partner with schools, employers and communities to effectively scale work-based learning experiences for all learners. We are creating a movement of employers, educators and learners dedicated to building a more diverse and inclusive workforce. We believe that every learner should have the opportunity to explore the world of work and achieve their fullest potential.

Farm Manager Apprenticeship Program

While becoming a farm manager takes many years of experience, this 2 year paid Program provides a foundation of knowledge and skills that will help apprentices gain a foothold in the industry and advance their farming careers. (From the website) “The Apprenticeship Program connects aspiring farm managers with established farmers who provide a space and opportunity to develop and practice the skills needed to manage a successful farming operation. Apprentices can also be existing employees that farmers have identified as a future manager. Upon completion of the Program, the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards graduates apprentices to a Journeyman level in the occupation of a Beginning Farm and Ranch Manager.”


From the website “Gladeo is an inclusive, next-generation career navigation platform for the future of work. We are a public benefit corporation building a more inclusive, equitable and prepared workforce of the future by providing high-quality, culturally-responsive career guidance to anyone, anywhere.”


Greenwork helps workforce training programs connect students with great jobs. We support employers in solar, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, logistics, and the trades. Our software helps students manage their training, prepare their resumes, and connect with employers effortlessly. We help training programs organize their job placement process in one place, and develop training based on employer needs.

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