
Looking for a job that fits your passions and values?

we can help

We are your resource for discovering real world jobs that feed people and sustain the planet, the pathways to get those jobs, and current job postings in your area.

MeetAsset 1

meet our job ambassadors

Discover fulfilling jobs in agriculture, food, water, and the environment, including some you may not have heard of. Meet the people who work in these fields, describing their jobs, pathways and aspirations.

climate resilience  •  healthy food access  •  equitable, sustainable food production, processing and distribution  •  conservation of agricultural and natural resources   •  regional food systems investment  •  circular economy innovation  •  food waste  •  and more

explore educational pathways

Learn about education and training programs available at California Community Colleges. This could be a step along your path.

find job postings

These job boards focus on future-oriented jobs. See who’s hiring now!

discover work-based learning opportunities

Work-based learning is a smart way to gain real life experience and prepare you for a career.

learn about careers

We can help you explore more opportunities across all industries.
We use O-NETOnLine for job descriptions and to find salaries and wages.

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be a job ambassador

We are actively seeking job ambassadors.

Reach out to find out more!